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So you want to solve the 5x5. This is the page that'll show you the fundamentals and method of the cube


The 5x5 or Professor's Cube is the largest cube sold by Rubik's. It uses a expanded 3x3 as a base and the rest of the pieces are sloted in fittingly.


Once you've finished this cube you could solve any odd cube larger than it without needing a tutorial.

Methods + Algs




Andy Klise 5x5 PDF

Reduction is really the only method anyone uses for 5x5. It is just the same as 4x4 reduction but the parity alg is used differently and the center creation is different. Make the centers, make the edges and 3x3. It'll be helpful to know how to solve a 4x4 before you learn this.
Let's take a look:
1. Centers
This is mostly intuitive but is easier to understand and do. Because the centers are already there you don't have to worry about having made then centers in the right places.
There are 2 easy ways to make the centers. Make 3 3x1 bars and put them in the right place;Make a 2x2 off of the center, put in a 2x1 bar to make a 3x2 block and add one more 3x1 bar to slot in.
You do still have to make sure you don't break any of the other centers. The first and third centers are the easiest to perform.
2. Edges + Parity
This is the just the same as 4x4 edges but instead there are 3 edges to pair rather than 2.  Take the 3 edges that need to be paired, line them up and slice them together. Then do an R or R' and replace it with an unsolved pair.
The last 4 edges will be different. What you will do is look around for 2 edges that are joint together but one of them will be flipped. You find the other piece you need to put it in. Line it up so that you'll push the flipped edge out and replace it with a correctly oriented edge. Put it on the right side of the front face do  (R U R') (F R' F' R) and then slice it back so that all the centers are correct. If you can't find an edge do a Y rotation and do M U2 M'.
You'll have to play around with the last 2 edges and you might get Parity. You'll know you have parity because you'll have one more edge and it will be in this order; correct, flipped, correct, flipped, correct.
Do a Y rotation so that the parity edge is on the top of the front face and do the OLL alg from 4x4.
  • Parity: (Rr)2 B2 U2 (Ll) U2 (Rr)' U2 (Rr) U2 F2 (Rr) F2 (Ll)' B2 (Rr)2
3. 3x3 stage
You know the drill. Solve it using 4-look Last Layer and you'll be sweet as.
Things that may help:
This PDF from Andy Klise might help if you're feeling more advanced. There are no words on the PDF. It is just algorithms that will help you with things like Edges and Centers.
These videos from MeMyselfandPi may help.
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